Using SmartOrders with A Noncompliant Distributor (Desktop & Mobile)

Unfortunately, not every distributor is willing to receive orders through SmartOrders, but that doesn't mean you can't use it!

When a Distributor Rep identifies that they will not accept orders sent via SmartOrders, users will need to simply use the following steps to continue the benefits of SmartOrders and maintain their relationship with their rep:

NCD - 1

NCD Mobile - 1

Navigate to SmartOrders and use the Place Order button as you normally would.

NCD - 2

NCD Mobile - 2

When reviewing the order, be sure to select Send Order To Me Only before placing the order. The email used to log in will display in parenthesizes. 

NCD - 3

NCD Mobile - 3

Now the order is "placed" in SmartOrders, print out your order to either give to the rep when they come into your store or call in the order. The order will be emailed to you, as well as, available to view in Open Orders in the Order History Widget.

NCD - 4

When the order arrives, receive it using Invoice Capture (desktop or mobile) or by clicking the receive button on the order. 

By doing this, you'll still get the benefits of Recommended Orders, Perpetual Inventory, Data Insights and more. 


We will continue to work towards forming an understanding with your distributor and appreciate your support.