Best Practices - Maximize The Benefit

The top 10 steps and functions that will give you better understanding of operating SmartBar and elevate your insights!

Make a positive impact on revenue, optimize profitability, and simplify operations, achieve these by utilizing SmartBar to the best of its ability. 

  • Log in and use the tool regularly

    • Develop a cadence within your business to take a few minutes to sign into BeerBoard via desktop or mobile app at least once a day. This will help develop familiarity with the platform and provide better results on use.  

  • Daily email alerts

    • Set up and review Daily Email Alerts within the alerts tab. Sharing these will help ensure all team members remain connected and understand not only the system but the business itself, bringing attention to any potential concerns or sales wins.  
  • Product Management

    • Keep your draft beer line-up aligned. What’s being poured must reflect what is being reported on SmartBar. Deviation from this can result in inaccurate data, unnecessary headaches and incorrect On-Hands Inventory and Recommended Orders. 
    Additional ref: Change Brand ( Brand Live (Upcoming to Current Draft List) ( 
  • Yield Tracker

    • Review the Yield Tracker daily if not at the end of each shift. Understanding the how and why behind a positive or negative variance can help eliminate inaccurate pour and sold data, while keeping your team accountable.  View Yield for Open Hours as well as the Entire Day. 
    Additional Ref: Yield Management Overview 
  • Clean Lines Button

    • Always use the clean line functionality to avoid incorrect Yield Tracking, On-Hands Inventory and Recommended Orders. The Clean Line Function should be engaged prior to line cleaning; however, functionality exists to removed reading retroactively.   
  • Receive Orders in a timely manner

    • Receive Orders when they arrive to ensure an accurate perpetual inventory. For quick, convenient order processing, use the SmartBar Mobile App Invoice Capture function, which automatically verifies an invoice, and once processed, marks it as received. Alternatively, orders can be manually marked as received on Desktop or the mobile app. 
    Additional Ref: Orders Button: Receive Orders & Invoice Capture ( 

  • Distributor Management (SmartOrders )

    • Ensure all products have a distributor assigned to them and update distributor contact information as changes occur. Failure to do so will result in incomplete orders. Within SmartOrders – using the Distributors button, update and edit distributor information. Assign distributors in the SmartOrders Inventory section  
  •  Self Help Tool 

    • The self-help tool is a great, easy-to-access hub for videos, articles, and overlay workflows. If new to SmartBar or looking for a refresher, take some time to go through the training checklist located in the bottom left corner of the desktop.  
  • Trust the data! 

    • Resist the urge to ‘wing it”;always make data-driven decisions. As you continue to use SmartBar and follow these best practices, you will see the benefits from time saved and ease of use from commonly burdensome operations. 

To have a deeper understanding of the mentioned functions, whether on the desktop or mobile app, you can find these and more within the Knowledge Base. For further assistance, Contact Support.