Recommended Orders appear in the Orders To Approve section of SmartOrders, as well as, in a email. If you are not getting recommended orders, use the following steps:
Verify Your Inventory On-Hand
- Ensure your inventory levels are up-to-date in the system.
- For draft beer, check that kegs are properly accounted for.
- There should be no negative quantity on hand
Review SmartPar Settings
- Confirm that SmartPar values are set for each product. These values guide the system on your ideal stock levels.
- With SmartPar AI activated, manual par set up is unnecessary.
Check for Open Orders
- Orders that are still marked as open will not appear in Recommended Orders.
- Make sure orders are marked as received to update inventory levels.
- Invoice Capture is a great tool to automatically verify orders, receive them, and update inventory.
Look at Draft Listings
- Draft beer products must be listed in your On Deck or Upcoming Draft List to appear as recommended items.
Understand Predictive Recommendations
- Recommendations are now calculated based on last week’s sales or poured data when the quantity on hand is negative.
- The system automatically adjusts recommendations daily to account for changes or updates to sales data.
Monitor the Orders to Approve Section
- Recommended Orders will always appear at the top of this section for easy review and approval.
- Once a week, on Mondays, a email is sent out with the recommended order.
By following these steps, you can ensure the Recommended Orders feature is working effectively, helping you maintain optimal inventory levels and streamline your ordering process.