Tap Optimization Report

Tap Optimization Report Calculations (Excel)

Understanding the layout and sorting of the report

  1. Styles and Categories are sorted by Volume Share - Highest Percentage at the top to Lowest percentage
  2. House Brews are counted toward the Craft category
  3. Location can have 1 or more taps with the same brand, which is why some calculations are based on brand performance, not the physical tap count  

Conclusion Tab:

Tap & Brand Count Insights

Suggested Tap Count Total

Profitability Highlights - Top 5 Brand in Net Profit Contribution Details

Recommended Draft Offering - Top 20 Brands of Total Volume in Current Tap Set


Tap Optimization Report  (PDF)

 This version of the TO report is a bit more visually digestible for new users, highlighting the percentage of underperforming taps followed by the top and bottom 5 brands.

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Like the excel, we have a high level glance at the total number of brands by category with a suggested remove amount.

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The report then details the styles, displaying the current, how many need to be removed, how many should remain then specifying the brands that should be removed by name.

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The last page offers a recommended draft offering list, ranking 20 brands for your consideration. 

Columns include:

  • Rank
    • Ranks are showing top beers by Net Margin Share (per Brand)
  • Brand
  • Category
  • Style
  • Velocity per 30D
    • Calculated daily
    • How much the location would sell if it operates as shown on a daily basis.
  • Gross Profit per Tap
    • This is calculated by the "Gross Profit per Brand per Filtered Period" in the Brands tab
  • Net Dollar Margin per Tap
  • Net Profit Margin per Tap