SmartMenu Categories - Create and Organize

Create and organize categories to efficiently map out your menu and optimize SmartMenu

Create Category

Navigate to Smart Menu by clicking on the Food menu management button on the left. Then select the categories tab. To create a new category, click the Create button on the right.

create category

In the Create Category pop-up window, enter the:

  • category name
  • header or footer information
    • The header and footer for the category have a 75-character limit
  • description
  • note
The description and note fields will not show up on the menu
  • type (food or beverage)
  • parent category
    • Allows users to designate if a new category is going to be a subcategory
    • Alternatively, to make a category into a subcategory, use the plus icon in the action column to bring up the subcategory window.
  • template
    • This will display how the category will organizationally show up on the menu. A commonly used template would be Template 1.
  •  image or video
    • Either of these items are displayed directly under the category name 

Once done, click save and close then finalize with ok.

Organize Categories

To organize the categories, a good rule of thumb is to use the Select Type dropdown to choose the specific kind of category or categories you want to review.

type dropdown

With the specific category type displayed, you can utilize the pencil icon in the Sort column to numerically organize the categories, and use the Active box to enable and disable categories. The action bar allows you to:

create a subcategory

create subcategory button

edit the category

edit category

delete the category

delete categrory