Add or Edit Distributors

How to add and edit distributors from the desktop version of SmartOrders

  • Click the Delivery Truck icon in the upper left corner of SmartBar to access SmartOrders

  • Click Distributors button in the upper right-hand corner above Order Actions to open distributor management page

  • From your list of distributors, you can add or edit email addresses, the phone number of your distributor sales rep, distributor account ID, and minimum order value

  • Search for distributor you want to add
    • Distributors available are limited to the state where you are located
  • Select from the pre-populated addresses from the drop down

  • Click (+) to add to your list of distributors

  • In the event your distributor is not searchable from the Distributor Management page, click Request Distributor button in the upper right-hand corner
  • Update Email and Phone fields with your distributor reps information

Regular attention to the Distributor Management page will ensure orders are routed correctly each time they are placed. If you have a new Sales Rep, changes must be made in this section to assure they receive your weekly orders.

  • Update the Minimum Value field if you know your distributors minimum order
  • Distributors can be removed at any time by clicking the trash can icon under Actions column

Note: Distributors updated in SmartOrders will also update Distributor Management in SmartBar, and vice versa.