Ordering Alerts

  • Click the Delivery Truck icon in the upper left corner of the dashboard to access SmartOrders

  • Click Show Alerts above Orders To Approve to expand

    • All active alerts will appear here
    • If there are no alerts to review, the indicator is no longer present 

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  • Click the Show Alerts button to expand the menu

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  • Click the Hide Alerts button to collapse the menu

Types of Alerts

Open Orders

Orders with an "OPEN" status. Orders should be placed more than 2 days ago. 

    • These orders are sent to the user via email every day until the order status is changed

Profit Margin

This alert displays products with the following conditions:

  • The product's "Profit margin" value is below target.
    • The target is set for a user
  • The products should have a "Profit margin" value not less than 0.5 (50%).

Purchased-Not sold 

Displays the products of the location that were purchased during the finished (previous) week, but that were not sold. For bottle beer, liquor, and wine package size names are also displayed.

Quantity Discrepancy

This alert will appear when the quantity ordered does not match the quantity delivered

Excess Inventory

A comparison between quantity ordered and required quantity. If the quantity ordered is greater than the quantity to have, the product will appear in the Excess Inventory alert. This alert only reviews orders for the previous week and runs every Monday morning.

Cost Increase

This displays the products that have different prices when the purchase was placed vs when the purchase was received. 

Quantity Discount Missed

This alert compares purchase, invoice, and pricing data over time, to identify products where money could potentially be saved by ordering greater quantities.

Quantity Discount Missed will only apply to customers that place orders and receive invoices through SmartOrders. 

Keg Deposits

For customers that track their keg deposits and returns through SmartOrders. A comparison of deposit against returns over a 4-week period. The alert shows the estimated loss of keg deposits.