Order Actions

By utilizing the order actions widget, you can manage product mandate compliance, identify underperforming brands and be provided with data driven brand alternatives. 

To begin, navigate to SmartOrders, indicated by a delivery truck icon.

SmartBar Dashboard - SmartOrders


Order Actions Widget

On the righthand side, you’ll see the Order Actions widget. If company mandates have been established, the Missed Mandate tab can be used to see which brands are missing from your tap lineup. 

upcoming draft place brand



Click the Place Brand button to view the upcoming draft list in the add new draft beer pop up window and select a line to assign the mandated brand to.

Brand Information - Place Brand


Once selected, scroll down to see information about the old brand, while using the entry fields to designate the new brand’s pricing tier, keg cost, keg size, the distributor and the tapped date.

Underperforming Brands tab



The Underperforming Brands tab displays the brands that have a BeerBoard star rating of 1 or 2, meaning less than .8 kegs over 30 days were moved. Under this tab, easily replace an underperforming brand by clicking the Replace Brand button. In the pop up window at the top, suggested brands are displayed allowing you to either make a selection or use the search bar to locate a specific brand.

After the brand is changed, the current line will still contain an underperforming brand, but the upcoming line will contain a new (changed) brand.

Other determining factors for Underperforming Brands:

  • are present both in the current and upcoming draft lists of the location
  •  don't belong to private brands 

If a keg is tapped in less than 21 days from when it was placed on tap, it will not appear in the alert.

Change Brand - Suggested Brands

As before, once a selection is made, the previous brand’s information is shown and the new brand can be entered.

Suggested Brands tab

The final tab, Suggested Brands, is a unique feature within Order Actions as it gathers statewide metered pour data to make the best recommendation for well performing brands.




By clicking the Place Brand button, as you would for a missed mandate, the add new draft

beer pop up window will appear.

suggested brands place brand

Here you can assign the suggested brand to a line on the upcoming draft list and finish the process...

suggested brands place brand 2