On Deck

Alternative to Upcoming Draft List, On Deck allows user to "load" their draft line up before making a brand live and "launch" into a draft line

After signing into SmartBar, navigate to the Production Management widget. Click On Deck

In the On Deck window, you’ll see the On Deck product field, used to locate the brand you want to have at the ready. The current product dropdown is used to designate the line and brand you want to replace. By default, this will be set to do not know, which can be great to use when you may not have a clear indication of what brand will replace another. Next to that are the make live button which pushes the product to the current draft list, and the plus button, used to add as many brands as needed. Remove an on-deck product by clicking the trash can icon.

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When you’re ready to change a kicked keg, locate the brand you’re replacing the kicked keg with, use the drop-down to select the correct draft line and click Make Live. The brand will instantly update your current draft list.

The product search field acts the same as your inventory or when you need to change a brand. If a product is unavailable, Add New Brand will show allowing you to enter in the new product. 

 When a product is added to On Deck, you will have to select a distributor if one is not already assigned. This can be accomplished through Inventory Management

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As you load the brands into on deck be sure to click save. Brands that already exist on the current draft list can not be added.