Modify PO

Modifying a new Purchase Order

Click Modify PO from initial Purchase Order email or SMS notification


From this page you can modify the price, quantities, or click Add Items to add products to the purchase order

Note: Purchase Order can be canceled from this page. An email notification will be sent to the customer along with any notes you may provide.

Select the product from the prepopulated drop down

Add price and adjust quantities

Click Add to save to Purchase Order

If a product needs to be removed from a Purchase Order for any reason, click Remove

Once all modifications are complete, click Accept PO

Add any notes for the customer, if needed

Click Submit



You will receive an email and SMS notification with a summary of the modified order

Retailer also receives email notification of modifications where they can approve the changes or make additional modifications, if needed.


Once the order has been accepted, an invoice will be sent for review via email and sms