Make Brand Live (Upcoming to Current Draft List)

Utilize the Make Brand Live function to update products on your Current Draft List from the Upcoming Draft List

The Make Brand Live button is used to enable an upcoming draft (replace an outgoing current draft line). This should be done when you physically change out the keg to the new 

  • On the Product Management Widget, use the drop-down to select Upcoming Draft List.
  • Select the product on the line you wish to move to your current draft list.
  • Click Make Brand Live. 


1. Ensure the line you are making live is no longer going to be on your draft lineup.
2. If all approvals have been completed the Make Brand Live button will have a GOLD Band around the icon. This indicates the brand is ready to be tapped.
3. Click the Make Brand live icon.
4. Carefully read the removal pop-up to ensure the correct brand is being removed confirming a removal request for that button should be sent. If the brand on the line you wish to make live is incorrect, use the Change Brand function before going back and clicking Make Brand Live. 

**This is very important step to maintaining accurate data. By using the Make Brand Live 
feature SmartBar will report accurate data and the POS team will remove OLD POS buttons.