How to read the Perpetual Inventory report

To access Perpetual Inventory for each brand you want to see, click the product from the Orders To Approve section to open the window below. Perpetual Inventory is available to view for one brand at a time. This report is available for download. Perpetual Inventory is also accessible through our mobile app.

  • Date: Any time a change in inventory occurs, it will appear as a line item in the Perpetual Inventory. If dates are skipped, this means there was no activity for this brand on that date.
  • Starting on Hand, Kegs: Starting inventory for the day
  • Starting Size, Kegs: Displays the size of the keg. Changes to keg sizes are reflected here.
  • Starting Inventory $$: Starting inventory value for the day
  • Preopen Served, Kegs: Amount poured during pre-open hours. Pre-open hours is set by your account administrator in the Admin tab of SmartBar
  • Served, Kegs: Amount poured during set business hours
  • Afterhours Served, Kegs: Amount poured after business hours. Afterhours is set by your account administrator in the Admin tab of SmartBar
  • Purchased, Kegs: Amount of kegs purchased for this product. Amount purchased will automatically add towards inventory once an open order is marked as received 
  • Manual Adjustment, Kegs: Adjustments made to inventory for this product will be displayed in this column
  • Ending On Hand, Kegs: Ending inventory for the day
  • Ending Size, Kegs: Displays the size of the keg. Changes to keg sizes are reflected here.
  • Ending Inventory $$: Ending inventory value for the day
  • Order Download:  After an order is marked as Received, it can be located by the date it was received and can be downloaded


When an order is placed for a product, it removes the Recommended Quantity from Orders to Approve. The total quantity is not added to the inventory until the order is Received

Note: The order is available to download for the date in which the order was received, not the date the order was placed.

Download Perpetual Inventory

The Perpetual Inventory can be downloaded from this view

  • Click the Download XLSX button in the upper right-hand corner of the page to download the complete report for the brand selected
  • Report can be downloaded for one brand at a time