How Do I Recalibrate My Meter?

Flowmeters are mechanical devices that measure liquid volume (Beer) flowing through the beer lines. It is very infrequent that the calibration settings require adjustment. It is recommended that self-testing occurs prior to opening.

To self-test, follow these steps:

  1. Pick a brand and tap line to test.
  2. Pour a tall beer – make it a perfect pour– 18.7oz. with 1’’ foam collar (for 20oz. glass)
    1. Note: rule of thumb for a pint glass (16oz. glass) is 14.5oz. of beer with 1/2 inch foam collar.
  3. Let the foam settle and slowly pour that beer into a measuring vessel and verify the pour volume.
  4. Go to SmartBar, filter to today’s date, and check the pour reading on the yield tracker*.
  5. If the variance is off more than 3/4 oz.  Let us know:
  • Send an email to:
    • Include a note with store number, date and time of the test and beer line(s) tested.

*Remember POUR volume reports real time. SOLD data reports the next day.

Flowmeters are mechanism devices that can break or be damaged in the normal course of business! It happens very infrequently. If a flowmeter is broken, please send an email to with the store #.