How can I request training or a refresher of your retailer services?

For training questions and refreshers, you should take a look at the New User Training Overview article. Using the Training Checklist and the Self Help Tool will be very beneficial during your journey with SmartBar and all its functions. 

Training Checklist - handpicked training material separated into two major categories: basic & advanced. The material found here can be found within the Self Help Tool but has been placed together to help new users and those needing a refresher to get up to speed. 

self help button Self Help Tool - where all training material resides; videos, articles, and workflows. Used to help users become more self-sufficient and learn the SmartBar platform. A great tool to find information on a function or topic, thus providing support, answer a question, or simply being a refresher. 


Users can still send requests for training and refreshers to and a Bar Optimization Manager will provide available training times (over the next two-week period) but an effort must be shown within the Training Checklist and/or using the Self Help Tool. The Self Help Tool has a wealth of training material and could potentially give the information you are looking for. 

All training is completed remotely on Microsoft Teams (Zoom links can be provided upon request) with screen sharing.