SmartBar Glossary of Terms

  • BeerBoard - a technology company enabling the food & beverage industry — retailers, brewers, and distributors — to make data-driven decisions for their complete business. Our patented digital platform captures, analyzes, and reports real-time data related to bar performance and sales.
  •  SmartBar - A digital system by BeerBoard that allows bars to monitor and manage their draft beer inventory, sales, and performance in real-time. 
  • SmartOrders - Helps reduce overall carrying costs, days on hand & write-offs for underperforming brands, to drive sales of the right brands ordered in the right quantities to eliminate out of stocks while also reducing excess inventory.
  • SmartMenu - Requires no app download improving ease of use for your guests and generates higher adoption rates. User activity is measured and reported by item, day part, location and across multiple locations/divisions. Allows for simple, clean customization of your digital or print menu. 
  • BeerBoard TV - is a consumer-facing menu application that effectively promotes the draft beer category, in-store events, and specials, and provides details about draft offerings at the point of purchase. 
  • Change Brand – Change the brand of an assigned line to another just by searching and selecting from the predefined list.
  •  POS Integration - The process of connecting BeerBoard's platform with a bar's existing Point of Sale system to streamline data collection and reporting. 
  • POS Button on SmartBar – Add PLU (Price Look-Up) item codes for POS (Point of Sale) items and save. You can view/add item codes and price details of all the brands and the assigned lines.
  •  Price Look-Up (PLU) - A unique code assigned to each item in the POS system that helps track sales and inventory. 
  •  SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) - A unique identifier for each product in inventory, used to track stock levels and manage orders. 
  • Inventory – View/Modify the inventory of beer such as Keg details (SKU, Cost, Oz), Par Value, Alert Points, Pricing Tier, and Distribution details. Send To Print – Send To Print allows you to get a printable menu format that includes all the brand details.
  • Add New Beer – In the Bottles & Cans section, you can view option to add new beer. Provide beer details such as Brand name, Container Size, Price, etc, to request for a new beer
  • SmartPar - The suggested amount of a product that should be ordered based on pour & Sold data within a 30-day span. 
  • Overpours - An over-pour occurs when more than the designated ounces are poured Some common issues include, too much foam, too little foam, wrong glassware, pouring a Tall and charging for a regular, or another training opportunity for the bartender etc.
  • Under Pours - An under pour occurs when less than the designated ounces are poured Some common issues can be too much foam, wrong glassware, or a training opportunity for the bartender, etc.  
  • Shrink/Theft - Shrink or theft occurs when beer is poured but there is no corresponding POS data to account for that beer. It’s important to first identify that all systems are working properly. If sales data for other beer is reported for that period most likely all systems are working properly.
  •  Training Opportunity - Situations where bartenders can improve their pouring techniques to reduce overpours and underpours, ensuring accurate servings. 
  • Late Ring In - It’s important to take a holistic view of the data before you jump to any conclusions of Shrink or Theft. With this, beers may show as sold after a beer has been poured
  • Current Draft List - The Current Draft List is a list of all the current drafts on tap (usually listed from left to right as they are behind the bar). The data from the Current Draft list feeds BeerBoard TV, the yield tracker and for some Concepts, your print menus.
  • Upcoming Draft List - The Upcoming draft list is where the future lineup of beers is initiated and for those that apply, your print menus
  • Draft Lineup - The selection and order of beers currently available on tap and those planned for future availability. 
  • Filter Tool - The SmartBar filter allows the data to be sliced and diced to get more detailed reporting.
  • Product Management - Changes in this section initiate approval requests, POS workflows, and impact Print Menu, Beer Board TV, and store-specific Website content.
  • Yield Tracker - The Yield tracker area is the main reporting function for all poured and sold data and allows robust reporting on beer platform performance.
  • Categories and Styles - The Categories and Styles reporting module shows product mix data on different categories and styles of beer and how they are performing over the prior period or year over year.
  • Share - The Share module lets you drill down into each brand or Brewery to see how it is performing over the last 7 and 30 days, Year to date, and year-over-year change
  • Line Mapping - have store pour 2oz. Of beer from left to right and determine if brand and meter are in the correct order (done before lunch service begins to prevent cross-traffic of other beers) 
  • BevBox - BeerBoard device in beer cooler that collects data from meters and reports back to our server overpower & internet 
  • Cat5 & Power - Internet feed and Power Supply (necessary requirements that need to be established to connect a BevBox). 
  • Yield - the overall efficiencies of metered products poured at a location. BeerBoard recommends a -3% to -5% variance or a Yield of 95%-97%. 
  •  Variance - The difference between the actual yield and the expected yield, used to assess the efficiency of beer pouring operations.
  • PLU - unique item ID code generated from point of sale (POS) to identify a brand by pour size 
  • POS - Point of Sale system (cloud or server-based) 
  • FDA Approved - The FDA-approved products are pulled from our CYB (Claim Your Brand) feature. The breweries would have to create an account, (or log into their already established one) and enter all the required info (calories, etc.) to make it FDA-compliant. This was designed for restaurant groups with over 20 stores. This is a government requirement. 
    Note: corporate stores are allowed to pour any product they want, they just cannot have a non-FDA item appear on any print menus. 
  • 850 – Electronic purchase order (PO) sent to vendor when placing an order on the SmartOrders platform.

  • 810 – Electronic invoice sent by the distributor at the completion of the delivery for all products/goods sold. Can be used instead of paper, email, or PDF invoice.

  • API Distributor – A distributor set up on the SmartOrders platform with warehouse/stock availability by product. Order is sent (850) and received (810) via this electronic connection.

  • EDI Distributor – Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a computer-to-computer method of transmitting orders. This process does not need sales rep intervention to complete the order transaction.

  • SmartOrders Success – A calculation of the number of orders placed weekly for all distributors associated with the retail location.

  • Volume Share – The total number of units sold by a location or company over a specific period of time. Each product comprises a share of 100% of the total units sold.

  • Kegs Poured – The total number of kegs poured by the brand during a filtered period of time.

  • Average Kegs – The average of the total number of half barrels (1984oz.) poured within a 30-day period. Ex: 0.65/kegs poured is equal to 1 half bbl in 45 days.

  • Invoice Capture – Using the camera function on your mobile phone or tablet via the SmartBar App, users can take a picture of their physical invoice to receive their order into SmartOrders and send the invoice-level data to their back office automatically.