Distributors Button (SmartBar Mobile)

View and edit your list of distributors in the mobile app

  • Log in to SmartBar Mobile
  • SMARTORDERS CUSTOMERS: From the homepage, click the menu icon (three lines) in the upper left-hand corner to expand the menu and click SmartOrders
  • Click the Distributors button at the top of the screen to see your list of distributors
  • CUSTOMERS WITHOUT SMARTORDERS: From the homepage, click the menu icon (three lines) in the upper left-hand corner to expand the menu and click Distributors

Add a Distributor

  • Click (+) to add to your list of distributors

  • Search by distributor name in the search box and select from a list of distributors with similar names

  • Once distributor is selected, a list of distributor addresses will appear below according to the location state. If distributor has addresses in more than one state, then only addresses from location state should be available.
  • Click “+” next to the selected address to add, and a message will appear once the distributor is added successfully

  • Distributor will then appear in your list of distributors


Creation of a completely new distributor currently is not available anywhere in SmartOrders mobile or desktop. 

Edit Distributor Details:

  • Click the arrow to edit distributor details
  • Update phone number, edit or add additional email addresses, minimum order dollar amount, and your distributor account ID number
    • Multiple email addresses can be added, same as desktop

  • Click Save

Note: Distributor Account ID number will appear on all emails sent to your distributors using SmartOrders

Contact support@beerboard.com to remove a distributor from your list