Create & Edit A Mixed Beverage

Follow these steps to create and if needed, edit a mixed beverage within SmartBar

Create Beverage

After signing into SmartBar, navigate to the Product Management Widget and click on the POS button to the right

 Within the POS popup window, click on Mixed Beverage at the top.

Click on Add New mixed beverage

Within this window, Add a recipe name, PLU, select a size, then add the products that are in the mixed beverage.

 Click Save.

Edit Beverage

To edit any mixed beverages you have saved within the system, navigate back to Mixed Beverage after clicking the POS button.

In the left-hand panel, scroll to a beverage you wish to edit. By clicking the name, you can edit the beverage's PLUs based on size.

The provides a window pop-up with the contents of the beverage.

By clicking the pencil icon, you can make any needed adjustments.

Click Save.