Conducting A Pour Test

In order to test your meters accuracy, ensure your BevBox is receiving data, and align your SmartBar draft line up to your bar tap line up, conducting a pour test is the best course of action.

You may be familiar with the pour test, as it is part of BeerBoard’s onboarding process. With that in mind, it is important to mention that we strongly suggest conducting your pour test before opening, giving yourself enough time to complete the test and prepare for the day. You’ll want to have a tablet, smartphone, or another device with access to SmartBar nearby.

In the product management widget, see if the brands being displayed match your bar tap from left to right, making changes along the way.SmartBar _ Retailer Dashboard - Google Chrome 2023-02-17 11-37-23.00_00_03_18.Still001.jpg

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Once complete, scroll down to the Yield Tracker widget. Click on the gear icon to open the settings and using the Day Part drop-down, select pre-open. Click Go. SmartBar _ Retailer Dashboard - Google Chrome 2023-02-17 11-37-23.00_01_27_05.Still003

This will allow for a clean data reading and to make sure that pour data isn’t skewed for the day, the readings within the time frame of the pour test can be removed. For assistance with this, check out clean line functionality or consult with your Customer Success rep.

With pre-open set in the yield tracker, take a measuring cup and go line by line, pouring 6-8 oz per tap. pour test pour

After each pour, check the yield tracker. It may take a few minutes, based on your connection and network speed, for the data to come through so be patient. You can refresh the yield tracker when needed. SmartBar _ Retailer Dashboard - Google Chrome 2023-02-17 11-37-23.00_02_03_08.Still005

Make note of your measurement compared to what SmartBar is reporting. Be sure when pouring, to wait till there is no head to compare the two readings accurately. If there is a difference, take a clear, unobstructed picture of the measuring cup and note what beer it is.SmartBar _ Retailer Dashboard - Google Chrome 2023-02-17 11-37-23.00_01_49_07.Still004


This will be useful information for the Implementation team, should a recalibration be needed. Do this for all your taps. Once done, switch your Yield tracker Day part back to open. Remove the readings if you haven’t already advised a CS rep.

Alternative Method: Product Management Admin Tab

This method requires access to the admin tab in the product management widget. If you do not have access to the admin tab, proceed with the Yield Tracker method or consult with a CS rep.

In the admin window, go to calibration. Here you can set the timeframe of the test and when a pour is complete, click show volume. Be sure to turn on Beast mode to overclock your Bevbox for faster readings. SmartBar _ Retailer Dashboard - Google Chrome 2023-02-17 11-37-23.00_02_52_23.Still006

On the lines tab at the top, you can also edit products per line, should changes need to be made. Once done, record your findings. Be sure to turn off beast mode. 

Being able to conduct your own pour test accurately can be a great way to ultimately save time, but will give you a better sense of your system, line up and readings. As always, if you need any help refer to the Knowledge base, Self Help tool, or reach out to Support.