Alerts Tab

Utilize the Alerts feature to set up alerts on a variety of metrics and varying delivery methods. These are customizable to each user.


Email Reportsemail reports

Subscribing to daily or weekly (received on Mondays) reports will provide information on Poured, Sold and Variance level data. These reports will be emailed based on the report type selected.
1. Click location tab
2. Select report type (Daily Summary, Daily by Shift & Weekly Summary) and Time (recommend 11am or later)
3. Click Add

email reports location tab

*It is recommended to set up both the daily and weekly report to gain a better grasp on overall yield*

Pour data is generated from volume measured by the flowmeters and reports in real time.
Sold Data is generated based on POS activity and is not reported in real time. Data populates after the close of business.
Always refer to the SmartBar Platform or Mobile App as the source of truth. If the SOLD data is delayed or interrupted, some information on the reports may appear inaccurate


Browser Alertsbrowser alerts


Browser Alert will appear directly in the user’s browser when logged on. These alerts can include the cooler temperature when a threshold is designated, time in which activity is after hours, when there is a product request, and if there is a product variance.


browser alerts tempbrowser alerts after hoursbrowser alerts product request

browser alerts variance


Status Alerts

status alerts
These emailed reports will let you know if any of your SmartBar-connected feeds or devices appear to be offline.


Available reports include:status alert drop down

SMS Alerts

sms alerts

These alerts will be sent via text message to the phone number that is assigned in the user profile. 


sms alert temp

sms alert after hours

BEST PRACTICE- Review this report for high variances and ask questions. Best Practice would be to share this information with the bar staff.