Action Required tab

How to view and modify incomplete orders

  • Alert will appear when placing an order that does not meet set minimum order value
  • Orders placed for multiple distributors will be routed accordingly, and only orders that require additional attention will be Incomplete orders

  • Incomplete orders can be viewed and modified under the Action Required tab in the Order History section
  • This tab will only be visible if incomplete orders are present and require attention
  • Click View to open the incomplete order and modify

    Adjustments can be made to your order

    • Modify package size, quantity, price, deposit, discount, and tax
    • Click Add More Products for quick add to your order
    • Click Update at any time and Place Order when modifications are complete
    • Click Delete to remove entire incomplete order from your order history

    Incomplete orders that are deleted are never sent to the distributor to be ordered. If products are still needed from this distributor, a new order must be placed.