Accept or Modify A PO

Our mutual customer has taken the steps to optimize their business by utilizing BeerBoard’s fully digital LBW management system SmartOrders. As customers order, a digital PO is sent to the email address they’ve provided.

The following are the steps needed for you to accept or modify the order.

From the emailed PO, at the bottom, you can either click accept or modify.

By clicking accept, a notification is automatically sent to the customer indicating your received their order and will fulfill it. By clicking modify, you’ll be directed to a Distributor Single Session and make any adjustments to the requested products, such as removing products not in stock or adding products.

Dist remove or add items

Just so you know – items available to add are only products the customer has added to their inventory with you as an assigned distributor. Once done, you can click Accept PO or if needed, Cancel.

This will send an email notification to the customer of the accepted or canceled PO. This includes any modifications that may have been made.


The customer can then review the order within SmartOrders and follow the process to receive it.

This process is meant as a seamless means of communication and does not affect your own system updates so please keep that in mind for any entries or changes you may need to conduct. This does however directly affect the customer’s inventory accuracy.


We appreciate your involvement and hope you can continue to help the customer be successful!